Retreat registration

Please note: retreat fees have changed. As before the pandemic, there is a discount for membership in the Kwan Um School of Zen. Donations above retreat fees are appreciated and help support the Zen center.

The new fees are:

  • One-day retreats: $40 members, $55 non-members
  • Multi-day YMJJ Retreats: $45/day members, $60/day non-members
  • Participation via Zoom: $40/day for both members and non-members

You are encouraged to pay the appropriate amount in advance using our Paypal link.

CIZCNY is committed to making our teaching accessible to all, regardless of ability to pay. While we do depend on fees to cover the costs of retreats and to help support the temple, we have a pay-what-you-can policy for those for who cannot afford the regular fee. Donations above retreat fees are appreciated and help support the Zen center.